EZ Detail Brush Combo
Includes the two most versatile wheel cleaning brushes invented, plus a handy tire brush too!
The EZ Detail Brush Combo is the perfect kit for wheel and tire detailing. This money-saving kit contains the Big EZ Detail Brush, the Little EZ Detail Brush, our Short Handle Tire Brush, plus two Dual Action Trim & Tire Applicators! Clean wheels and tires are the finishing touch on a perfectly detailed vehicle. The EZ Detail Brush Combo make that possible!
The EZ Detail Brush Combo includes:
Low Profile Tire Brush
The Low Profile Tire Brush features hundreds of stiff nylon bristles that get into the nooks and crannies of your tire’s sidewall, removing stubborn road film and previously applied tire protectants. The curved handle minimizes fatigue on your hand while enabling maximum scrubbing power.
2 Pack Premium Tire Applicator Sponges
Use the Premium Tire Applicator Sponge to apply uniform coats of the included tire care protectant. These thick, densely made tire shine applicator pads are easy to hold on to while keeping your hands away from the tire. Each applicator is partially cut in the middle to make them even easier to hold on to. The closed-cell foam design evenly distributes your favorite tire protectant of choice.
Big EZ Detail Brush
The Big EZ Detail Brush is a must-have for anyone serious about cleaning their wheels – the right way! This 18 inch brush features thousands of nylon and nylex bristles that conform to every nook and crannie on your wheels, including between spokes! There’s a lot to love about the Big EZ Detail Brush! It’s not uncommon for a modern car to be equipped with wheels ranging from 18 to 22 inches in size! What used to be reserved for the aftermarket industry is now common place in any car dealership. Big wheels need a big brush! That’s where the Big EZ Detail Brush excels. The generous length of 18 inches ensures maximum reach, even for wider wheels. The durable non-scratch sleeve protects the wheels from getting scratches, while the rubber knuckle guard protects your hands!
Little EZ Detail Brush
The Little EZ Detail Brush is the little brother to the Big EZ Detail Brush, featuring the same unique design characteristics that make its older sibling a best seller! The Little EZ Detail Brush is small enough to clean between brake calipers and the wheel, grilles, engine bays, motorcycles, and so much more! Use the Little EZ Detail Brush to clean where no other brush can reach! The Big EZ Detail Brush is perfect for cleaning larger wheels, but what about vehicles equipped with average size wheels ranging from 15 to 18 inches? That’s where the Little EZ Detail Brush shines! Smaller wheels need a smaller brush!
Kit includes:
Low Profile Tire Brush
2 Pack Premium Tire Applicator Sponges
Big EZ Detail Brush
Little EZ Detail Brush
Total retail value of $61.96. You save $11.97!